A great website to check out:  2-Minute Tabletop

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic I started to do a lot of online gaming like so many others.  During this time, I found the 2-Minute Tabletop website, founded by Ross and his talented team.  I was so impressed that I went ahead and bought the “everything pack” – a treasure trove of resources that includes all their maps, assets, and tools.  As a Game Master it made my job so much easier and it man games very enjoyable for my player.

It is worth noting that this unpaid comment serves as a testament to the genuine appreciation of Ross and his team’s efforts. It is a reminder of the importance of supporting artists who dedicate their time and talent to enriching our gaming experiences. By visiting the 2-Minute Tabletop website, gamers not only gain access to exceptional resources but also provide encouragement and recognition to the creators behind them.

I want to suggest that you all check out this website for artwork, stories, and character tokens.  Many of the items are free or Pay What You Want.  But to support the 2-Minute Tabletop team please toss them a few dollars. 
